Market FM
Have you ever thought about advertising directly where your customers are?
We offer you the perfect way to do this: a completely new supermarket marketing tool:! We are where your customers are! In Berlin we reach over 900,000 supermarket visitors per month. is a supermarket radio that broadcasts your advertising exactly where your customers are! Namely in the supermarket!
The Internet Radio marketfm Marketfm was founded in 2017 and has become a popular online radio since then. Every day, we ensure that the best music of the past years and the hits from the current lists are broadcast on the web radio 24 hours a day.
This innovative tool developed especially for supermarkets may be of interest to you. If so, click or come to Contact with us.
Would you like to reach 900,000 shoppers every month?
In the directly where your products are sold; The Supermarket. This is what offers you. Ask us about the details; we would love to develop and work on a brand new concept for you.
1,000 seconds of advertising space for € 0.50/s
3-8 placement per day
Spot length of 10-30 seconds
Bookable for individual or for all Euro Gida branches
500 € now only 449 € once
(bei 6-monthly contract term)
399 €/monthly
(bei 12-monthly contract term)
349 €/monthly
Radio spot creation up to max. 30 seconds:
Idea and conception
2-3 text suggestions
Standard synchronized voice in Turkish (m/w)
Licensed background music
300 € now only 249 € once
2,500 seconds of advertising space for € 0.50
3-8 switching per day
Spot length of 10-30 seconds
Bookable for individual or for all Euro Gida branches
1.250 € now only 999 € once
(at 6-monthly contract term)
949 €/monthly
(at 12-monthly contract term)
899 €/monthly
Radio spot creation up to max. 30 seconds:
Idea and conception
2-3 text suggestions
Standard synchronized voice in Turkish (m/w)
Licensed background music
300 € now only 199 € once
5.000 seconds of advertising space for 0,50 €/s
3-8 switching per day
Spot length of 10-30 seconds
Bookable for individual or for all Euro Gida branches
2.500 € jetzt nur noch 1.499 € once
(bei 6-monthly contract term)
1.399 €/monatlich
(at12-monthly contract term)
1.299 €/monthly
Radio spot creation up to max. 30 seconds:
Idea and conception
2-3 text suggestions
Standard synchronized voice in Turkish (m / f)
Licensed background music
300 € now only 199 € once
10.000 sec. advertising space for 0,50 €/s 0,20 €/s
3-8 switching per day
Spot length of 10-30 seconds
Bookable for individual or for all Euro Gida branches
5.000 € now only 1.999 € once
(at 6-monthly contract term)
1.899 € /monthly
(at 12-monthly contract term)
1.799 €/monthly
Radio spot creation up to max. 30 seconds:
Idea and conception
2-3 text suggestions
Standard synchronized voice in Turkish (m / f)
Licensed background music
300 € now only 0 € once
The fastest way to reach us. Fill out and submit the form. We will respond quickly!